Satanic Exposé

May 3, 2023

Welcome to the almost seventh month anniversary of Siegeculture.

Nothing's never a dull moment here at SK since our launch back in October and now especially with recent events.

As the events may be recent, who they are and their tactics remain the same.

I am of course talking about O9A, TOB, and other federal entities.

Recently they have been latching on to James, His work, and our site with the false proposition that they to are acquainted with us.

We here at Siegeculture do not support any form of satanism. Especially enties such as O9A that was founded by British intelligence (aka MI6).

With there purposeful attempt of taking some truth and twisting it into some character cripple attracting Jewish lie, while also claiming it self as a pagan ideology (of which is total BS) it makes for a pretty appealing Phys-Op if you're dumb enough to fall for it.

We at Siegeculture support and welcome Postive Christianity/CI as well as true Volkish Paganism from both the North and South of Evropa that our aryan ancestors lived and died by. As well as any and all true hitlertarians.

We simply don't have the time or patience to care about those silly Jewish satanic subverstions that ultimately attract the character cripples that lack any self respect or worth to be part of something genuinely valuable.

I hope this clears things up from us.

With black flags flying, As always, marching forward.